What is EMRBATA?

The Eastern Macedon Ranges Business and Tourism Association (EMRBATA) is a not-for-profit interest group comprising local business operators whose primary task is to promote business and tourism in the Eastern Macedon Ranges.

This year, EMRBATA has undergone a restructure to assist it to fulfill its objectives as a conduit for a broad spectrum of local businesses. Whether the businesses are traditional shop front, home based, trade, professional or industrial the EMRBATA wishes to give all such businesses an opportunity to network and be involved in initiatives which ultimately benefit local business and the Eastern Macedon Ranges community. EMRBATA aims to provide a forum for its members to inform and be informed, whilst also aiming to provide an environment which encourages residents and visitors to utilize local business.

Members are kept informed via email and social media about the activity of the EMRBATA committee of management, correspondence from the Macedon Ranges Shire Council (MRSC) and information pertaining to other relevant business and tourism stakeholder groups.

Download EMRBATA’s Statement of Purpose here

Download EMRBATA’s Code of Conduct here

Download EMRBATA’s Strategic Plan 2023-2028

Download EMRBATA Rules

Download EMRBATA Committee Roles and Responsibilities Handbook

Download EMRBATA Member Handbook

Download Romsey Town Centre Action Plan

Download Lancefield Town Centre Action Plan

 Your 2024/2025 EMRBATA membership ($75.00 PRO-RATA) includes:

  • Business Breakfast & Dinner Events – member reduced ticketed price to these annual networking events with guest speaker(s);

  • Communication updates pertaining to EMRBATA, relevant correspondence from Macedon Ranges Shire Council, Tourism (TMR, DMRT, Tourism Vic), Government bodies, MRAA, MRVA and other shire BATA’s via a quarterly newsletter;

  • Networking events in partnership with other stakeholder groups and bimonthly After Work Catch Up’s;

  • Deluxe business listing on the EMRBATA managed website https://easternmacedonranges.au and opportunities to promote your business on our social media pages;

  • Invitation to join EMRBATA Members Only closed Facebook Group;

  • EMRBATA Social media linkages; Facebook, Instagram and Quarterly newsletter.

  • EMRBATA advocacy on behalf of the Eastern Macedon Ranges region to business and visitor economy stakeholders including Macedon Ranges Shire Council, State Government and Federal Government.

**Renewal of membership aligns with the financial year. Membership fees for new members joining at different times of the calendar year will be calculated on a pro-rata basis

EMRBATA Membership 2024/2025 - NEW MEMBERS
Go to Payment