19. Romsey State School

In 1856, a petition lodged for a school in Romsey was granted by the government. The Romsey State School school opened on the site in 1865 as “Five Mile Creek-Lancefield No. 366” in a timber building with 74 students enrolled. Children paid fees of between 1 shilling (approx. 10 cents) and 1 shilling and sixpence (approx. 15 cents) per week to attend.

The first head teacher built a two room residence on the ground from his own resources. The school’s name was officially changed to “Romsey State School” in 1865. The brick building, with its arcaded chimney stack and helm-hipped roof line, was opened in 1880 and, by 1892, there were 132 students. School continued on the site until 1994.


18. Mc Kinnon’s Store


20. William J. Smith House