Like her flock, Madelaine was born and raised organic on Hollyburton Farm, at the foothills of the Macedon Ranges.

She began producing organic eggs as part of her home education curriculum at the age of eight. Years of hard work gave her the knowledge and experience to grow Madelaine’s Eggs to a thriving business supplying a high-quality product from the Melbourne food bowl.

Her chickens, and their eggs, are NASAA certified organic, which means the chicken must be free-range, be fed certified organic feed – feed which has no added hormones, no antibiotics – and not be exposed to any artificial fertilisers or pesticides on the pasture or in the grains the chickens eat (even from surrounding farms).

GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are also restricted entirely for organic standard compliance. Due to the strict certification regulations and unlike most free-range chooks or ‘barn laid’ chickens, Madelaine’s certified organic chicks must also be fed organic feed from the time that they are hatchlings.

Madelaine must raise her chicks from 24 hours old, doing so in the Hollyburton orchards. As they grow, they are moved out into the grassy paddocks where they are put into a rotational grazing system for the next three years. They live peacefully in these paddocks with a herd of certified organic Murray Grey beef cattle as well as a family of Hollyburton-raised Maremma dogs that protect the chickens from foxes, feral cats, snakes, hawks and other threats to their wellbeing.

The Madelaine’s eggs roadside stall is open from sunup to sundown, 7 days a week. It is unique as it runs on the honour system - you can purchase fresh eggs any time of day at this unattended stall. This farmgate stall is stocked with other local produce such as seasonal veggies, honey and preserves. You will find it on your GPS at 1677 Melbourne Lancefield Road, Bolinda.


The Lancefield Hotel
